This article explains how you can set up your instructor account and take your first step to publishing a course on Learnfly! There is no fee to open or to maintain an instructor account.
More information on the benefits of becoming a Learnfly instructor, and why you should teach online with Learnfly is available in this article.
What you need to create an instructor account
An email address where you can receive emails. If you plan to create a paid course and receive payments for your course, you will need a PayPal or Bank account with SWIFT transfer option to set up your Learnfly payment method. Note: instructors who reside in the United States , UK and EU and have a U.S, UK and EU bank account, can also use direct deposit to receive Learnfly payments. Steps to create an instructor account
1) Go to on your browser.
2) If you have a student account, click Log in in the upper right corner of the screen; if you do not have a Learnfly account, click on Sign Up to create an account. Click Become an Instructor
3) Next, click Become an Instructor. You will be asked to answer some questions about your teaching experience. Please follow the instructions on the screen.
4) Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will be redirected to the instructor dashboard, a dedicated screen for instructors to create and manage their courses.
Setting up your instructor profile
Click on the circular icon in the upper right corner of the screen to enter your instructor profile.
Learnfly profile
The information you enter in this tab will be visible to the public as your instructor profile once the course is published. You can edit the information at any point in time.
Instructor name: Enter the name you wish to use as the instructor name. You may use a pseudonym if you wish.
Since Learnfly is a global platform, registered names are displayed in the order of "First Name + Last Name". If you would like your name to appear in the order of "Last Name + First Name", please enter your last name in the First Name field and your first name in the Last Name field.
Headline: Your occupation, specialization, and qualification
Biography: Your professional and personal profile
Language: Your primary language
Links: Your website and your social networking services. For your social networking services, please make sure to only enter the "account name" of the URL
Click Save at the bottom right.
Profile Picture
In the Profile Picture tab, click on Upload image to upload a high-quality image of yourself. Include a high-quality, non-pixelated, non-animated image of yourself to establish more trust with your students. If you are publishing as a company you can upload your corporate logo.
1) Click "Upload Image" and select the image you wish to use.
2) Adjust the position and size of the image, and then click Crop Image. The image will appear round on your profile page, so make sure your face is centered.
3) Click Save.
When your profile photo is successfully registered, it will be reflected in the circular icon in the upper right corner of the page.
Learn more about our quality standards for instructor profiles.
Privacy Settings
In this tab, you can make changes to the privacy setting of your profile page.
Show your profile to logged-in users
Check this box if you want your profile to be visible only to logged-in users.
Show your courses you’re taking on your profile page
Check this box if you wish to show the courses you are enrolled in on your profile.
Please note, once you become a published instructor your privacy settings will default to make your profile visible to the public, your profile will be searchable in search engines, and your profile will only include the courses you are teaching (excluding any private courses).
Next steps
Once you have opened an account and filled out your profile, it is time to proceed to creating a course. From the instructor dashboard, you can click on New Course to begin.